
Monitoring and defence against summer infestations of vines: the importance of pheromones Caterina Giannottu 31 May 2024

Monitoring and defence against summer infestations of vines: the importance of pheromones

Due to ongoing climate change, summer pest management is becoming increasingly crucial for the sustainability and productivity of vineyards.

In summer, harmful insect infestations become a significant challenge for professional farmers, requiring effective solutions that minimise the use of insecticides that can be harmful both to the environment and to human health.

In this scenario, pheromones have emerged as a fundamental resource for monitoring and direct defence against these insects.

Traditionally, agriculture has relied on reactive methods to deal with summer infestations but, thanks to research in the sector, the preference is increasingly for a more proactive and preventative approach.

The use of pheromones in monitoring the main harmful species of vines and in their direct defence is revolutionising the phytosanitary industry and lies at the heart of inFarm’s work.

Adhesive pheromone traps are essential tools in monitoring pest populations, allowing farmers to identify infestations early and plan targeted interventions.

The inFarm® – Isagro Phero Line® offers a complete range of solutions for vines, including specific adhesive traps for monitoring, a chromotropic trap and a thread for the sexual disorientation of insects.

Adhesive pheromone traps are particularly effective at capturing male and female target insects, reducing their reproductive capacity and slowing the spread of infestations.

This biological control method is a key tactic to reduce the use of harmful chemical insecticides, promoting integrated pest management and preserving the health of the viticultural ecosystem.

In addition to traps, sexual disorientation of insects through the use of pheromone-soaked threads is another innovative strategy to reduce mating and egg laying.

This technique interferes with the life cycle of harmful insects, reducing their ability to damage the vines and ensuring more sustainable and higher-quality production.

In conclusion, the use of pheromones for monitoring and defence against summer infestations of vines represents an important step forward towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Professional farmers can benefit from these innovative solutions, protecting their crops and contributing to the preservation of an ancient agricultural tradition for future generations.

To find out more, download the dedicated flyer, and come and see us at Enovitis in campo on 12 and 13 June.