- 5 February 2025Insights 2024 field tests: professional agriculture at the heart of inFarm’s researchEvery year, field tests represent a crucial moment for inFarm: it is here that we assess the effectiveness, quality and ease of use...
- 8 November 2024News New modular packaging designed for professional agricultureInFarm is expanding its range of choice and pest-control measures, with our new packaging designed for professional agriculture. In professional agriculture, flexibility and...
- 3 October 2024Environment Protect crops with the Ecodian® line: professional solutions compatible with organic farmingControlling pests is one of the main challenges for technicians and farmers involved in the protection of crops such as pome and stone...
- 14 June 2024Environment Prevent Elaterid infestations thanks to pheromones in the fieldThe warm season brings many risks of infestation which, in many cases, can lead to crop losses. Every day, inFarm works alongside farmers...
- 31 May 2024Environment Monitoring and defence against summer infestations of vines: the importance of pheromonesDue to ongoing climate change, summer pest management is becoming increasingly crucial for the sustainability and productivity of vineyards. In summer, harmful insect...
- 11 March 2024News inFarm presents an experimental study on the new Ecodian® LB dispenserinFarm presents an experimental study dedicated to the new dispenser for sexual disorientation in Lobesia botrana, during Giornate Fitopqtologiche in Bologna from 12...
- 23 January 2024News GEA presents the new catalogue inFarm® – Isagro Phero Line® 2024 with many new featuresOn February 14th, a webinar will be held for customers, technicians and farmers, to present the new catalogue inFarm® - Isagro Phero Line®...
- 15 June 2023Insights Monitoring: how important it is and when insect flights beginGea Srl's inFarm - Isagro Phero Line® meets the needs of farmers with its wide range of traps and pheromones. 2022 was another...
- 15 June 2023News Gea and the new inFarm Catalogue – Isagro Pheroline® 2023The importance of monitoring and more The company offers the widest possible range in the "Traps and Pheromones" segment. The development of the...
- 12 June 2023Products GEA and the acquisition of an Isagro® business unitGea acquires Isagro® At the end of January 2022, Gea S.r.l. completed the acquisition of the trap and pheromone division of Isagro and...